Saturday, January 3, 2015

Saying Goodbye

As everybody knows, we recently celebrated New Years.

I'm not sure how all of you brought in the New Year, but I spent it with some of my closest friends. Over the past few days, it occurred to me that a lot of people wanted to completely get rid of things from 2014.

I would be lying if I said that I didn't too, but in all honesty, I didn't say goodbye to everything. I said goodbye to all of the bad things that happened over the year. I had good friends pass away, I had someone who was like a second father pass away, and the love of my life passed away. I've been left broken hearted by the loss of people I love, but I was also delighted when I realized how loved that I am as a person.

Now that we're in the New Year, I just want to remind everyone not to completely say goodbye to the year 2014. You lived through it, it made you stronger. Don't say goodbye, just say goodbye to the ones that broke your heart. Say goodbye to the ones that did you wrong. Say goodbye to all of those bad memories that you remember from 2014. Don't say goodbye to your friends, your family, and the good memories that were made over the year. Sure, bad things happen, but I know that there were good things that happened to you as well!

Here's a challenge! Comment with at least ONE good memory that you have from 2014.

My favorite memory was from September. It was the weekend before I lost my soul mate. I was with a few of my sisters in Denver at a Haunted House. If you know me personally, you'd know that I am absolutely terrified of haunted houses, but I went in. I conquered a fear of mine and went to multiple haunted houses throughout the month. This was such a good memory for me because I was surrounded by the people I love while doing something I fear (which ended up turning into something that made me laugh, rather than scream).

Keep in mind those positive memories and create more positive, happy memories in 2015!

Happy New Year, loves!

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