Friday, June 27, 2014

Workout of the Month

               Don't get me wrong, I am not the skinniest... or the largest girl in the world. We all have some little improvements we would like to make on ourselves or we wouldn't be human. One of mine is my abs. I found this picture while on Pintrest and also heard about it while watching Good Morning America a few weeks back. This is killer when done right, but when ya quit half way through like me because your busy with work, work, and oh ya more work it starts to lose the point. I challenge you, who is reading this to try and do one of the monthly workouts on Pintrest whether it is squats, arms, butt, or even abs workout.

               If your struggling to do it cause... well you just don't want to there are even support groups on Facebook for it. I am not kidding, and it is kind of powerful to join one. Everyone on there is motivating and supporting you every day of the month. If your struggling you can post about it and get the support you need to do those 50 sit ups or 30 squats. Please join me in starting the ab work out from the beginning, and enjoy the days they give you off but that doesn't mean you shouldn't excessive. You can even comment here and I will help be a motivating force! Have the motivation to do this & be a better you!

Thursday, June 26, 2014

How do you choose the right sorority for you?

            It is half way through summer, which means for most sorority girls it is almost recruitment time! That means fun florals, bright colors, Greek lettered shirts, and lots and lots of sister time!
            Fall of 2011 I had no clue what the hell I was getting myself into when I walking into the Student Union Building planning to go through recruitment. I talked to so many girls and forgot most of their faces. I remember the second night I walked into a room and a girl walked right up to me and asked me "Brooke, how was your day today? I am so glad you came back out!" I was astonished! Why would this awesome, fun girl remember me? There were hundreds of us, and I even forgot their names but lucky they had name tags. Finding your sorority should be the girls that you leave an impression on and that they leave one on you. Don't get me wrong the day I chose what sorority I wanted to put first on my preference card was scary... It was like deciding if you liked a guy and he liked you back. Will Phi Sigma Sigma want me to be a sister of there amazing sorority? Not going to lie and say I wouldn't have been completely devastated if they decided to pick another girl over me but the next day at bid day I was beyond pleased to be holding a Phi Sig bid!
             When going through look for a group of girls you can connect with, sometimes all that glitters is not gold. Although there may be some cool sororities with fun colors, you have to find the best sorority for YOU. They are also trying to find the best potential sisters for them! My suggestions is try to find a connection with their philanthropy, an event, mission, creed, values, some of their sisterhood events, one of the sisters... there is so many different things potential new members can do to find their home away from home.
               One final piece of advice I would give a potential new member who is going through recruitment, is to research. Research about all of the sororities you are going through especially through their national website. Also, if your friend from another school said a Zeta Zeta Zeta sorority was horrible at hazing and they are always mean doesn't necessarily mean the one at your school will be the exact same way. Just like how every class in high school club is different, doesn't mean they all act the same way and all run their meetings the same. Talk to upper class men or different faculty on campus... they usually have a pretty good perspective but do not use Greek Rank. I personally think that it is very negative outlook on the Greek community and that it is also not very accurate... I mean at all.
              But go through recruitment & walk your own path... and if you don't like it you can create a new one, with it hopefully leading to the sorority of your choice!

What to Pack When Going on a Crappy Hotel Vacation

Well... If your anything like me being in one of those hotel rooms makes my skin itch. While I was sitting on the sandy, dusty couch I was thinking why the heck didn't I bring a few things on my trip which could have easily put me at ease.
1. Hand Lotion: In the bathrooms they have a soap bar for the shower, shampoo, conditioner, and shower gel... But what about when you want to wash your hands after going the bathroom? I grabbed the gross hand soap and scrubbed but nothing is like just regular hand soap.
2. My Own Pillow: Thankfully this one I remembered but I even felt gross sleeping on it knowing it was touching the bed sheets. Very uncomfortable feeling!
3. A Sleeping Bag: I wished so badly that I had one to sleep on the bed with. I hated the feeling of the sheets and of almost touching the wall. Like who were the people in this room before us? It is kind of scary!
4. Slippers: I am not the biggest fan of slippers nor do I wear them on a daily basis but walking around that hotel room I WISHED I had them waiting for me!
5. Aloe: When going to a beach for vacation make sure you pack some of this or your very sunburned bum will be very mad!

Needless to say, when packing for vacation think about staying in a bad hotel room... is it really that bad to over pack? Or is it better to be prepared!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Greek Unity

Theta Phi Alpha, Phi Sigma Sigma, and Zeta Tau Alpha
Everyone is unique and different in their own way. That is what makes you...well, you. In the same way, every sorority is different. They have their own rituals, traditions, and beliefs, but does that mean you should be hating on them?
No, it is completely and totally wrong. If you think you are high and mighty and above everyone else, then you have got to be kidding me. Being Greek is all about sisterly love, friendship, leadership roles, learning rituals, and the biggest of all, philanthropy!
You can't completely hate a sorority because, for example, you just don't like one girl in it. Isn't that wrong? I mean pick out all the ones you like and be friends with them. I'm sure when you're going into job interviews a few years down the line you are going to meet someone in Greek life. Are you going to say, "Ouch, that sorority you were in really sucked and I didn't like anyone in it"? No, you want to say "I have friends in that sorority and they really enjoyed being apart of such a great legacy."
Greek Unity could bring so many more girls through rush or recruitment because they see that it isn't as catty as they thought it would be. It could be such a great marketing tool to get different girls of various backgrounds and upbringings to Greek life.
At my school, I put together a petition against Greek rank to show our campus, and everyone that, as Greeks, we stick together. I have had numerous people sign it and comment on how great it is, but overall, it is all about what your school makes of Greek unity. Don't get me wrong, if you go on Greek Rank now, you will still see current people posting, but to see that many people in Greek life have signed a petition against it warms my heart.
Phi Sigma Sigma and Sigma Alpha Epsilon
for our annual Thanksgiving Dinner
A Greek organization can do amazing things separately, but when they come together, so much more could happen. You get to meet so many people you never thought you would get the chance to know so well. I am so lucky and fortunate to say I have so many best friends within the Greek community with our sororities, fraternities, and our multicultural Greek life. I consider myself blessed everyday for getting to know these people and being apart of something so great at our school.This is one of my previous posts for Little Problems

Little Problems Blog: Sorority Spotlight- Delta Delta Delta

Little Problems Blog: Sorority Spotlight: Delta Delta Delta: Tri Delta sisters supporting St. Jude's Delta Delta Delta:  Epsilon Eta chapter at North Carolina State University      Who ar...

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Welcoming to the Blogging World

Hey everyone! 
        I figured I was going to start my own blog because I love to write and I have gotten great feedback on my contributing articles I have written for different blogs, like Little Problems. 

         I am going to be a senior in the Fall at Kutztown University of Pennsylvania. I am an Early Education major and a sister of Phi Sigma Sigma. I am Vice Archon of my chapter and Vice President of United Greek Council. I am one of those girls who is involved in everything, and rarely gets overwhelmed by it all. Being a busy person makes me make time for the important things in like... school, sorority and work... Did I mention sorority?
          Being a sister of Phi Sigma Sigma has taught me a lot throughout my college experience and I am dreading the day where I switch from sister to alumni. Just the thought of that HUGE switch makes me twitch. I am planning to blog about my college experience, sorority experience, and fears for the big bad world. Keep checking out my blog to see if I am going to sink or swim in the real world we call life!