Founder of SGT
I founded SGT in 2014 and haven't stopped since. As a sister of Phi Sigma Sigma at Kutztown University of Pennsylvania, I've realized my true potential as a sassy northern belle. Lilly Pulitzer is my idol, I'm too preppy for my own good, and I believe if it moves it should be monogramed. Basically, welcome to Sorority Girl Thoughts, make yourself at home, and #gogreek"
SGT Manager
Fashion Blogger
As a college graduate with a Fashion degree, I've quickly learned growing up is overrated. Dollar Daqs is still my favorite night, I spend most of my paycheck on Starbucks, and I'm overly obsessed with my dog. I truly believe clothing has the power to change the world and I'm trying to make that happen, one runway at a time.
Alumni Blogger
While many would take this opportunity to list everything they have ever liked, my hobbies/passions/activities ultimately come down to my desire to capture and share the true beauty of the world around us (usually by camera or “pen”). I, generally speaking, enjoy losing and discovering myself everyday as I experience what the world has to offer. As a recent graduate of Pace University, some of my happiest memories revolve around my role as an active sister of the Delta Omega chapter of Phi Sigma Sigma. For that reason, I hope by working with the great team here at Sorority Girl Thoughts, I will be able to help to give back to something that has provided me with so much.
"How To" Blogger
I'm an Oregon girl who is a member and recruitment chair of Chi Theta Phi, a local sorority at Oregon State University. I'm a junior studying Merchandising Management with a love for fashion, dogs, music, traveling, bike rides, and of course crafting. I'll be getting a little this fall and I already can't wait to meet her and teach her how to craft the perfect paddle and tie-dye her favorite sorority tee! So stay tuned if that's your thing
Greek Life Blogger
"Tips and Tricks" Blogger
I’m a Long Island native studying at Northwestern University with interests such as pissing off Bears fans (go Pack go), complaining about the lack of decent pizza and bagels, and updating my flawless Are You The One bracket. As a full-time student, stage manager, recruitment counselor, and service chair for my sorority, my over scheduling and over achieving has led to my growing collection of planners and productivity tips.
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