Friday, August 28, 2015

Five Ways to Make Your Post Grad Apartment Feel Like Home

At 24 years old, I am at the stage in my life where I am always on the move. Between going to job A to job B, meeting with my boss to go over my day, the frequent wedding or family shoot, I generally leave in the morning around 9:45 am and usually don’t get home until damn close to 11:30.

Once I get home, I quickly shower and get ready for bed, only to lay awake for at least a good half hour, watching Always Sunny in Philadelphia, until my brain finally wears down and I can sleep.

Then I wake up and do it again.

Despite this, I sometimes get a day off. Those days, while fleeting, are my chance to enjoy my home (and time with my fiancée) for more than just a bed, but as more importantly, as a secure place that makes everything okay!!

Though in many ways, my home has become mainly a place to crash and my car has begun looking more and more like I live in it, the best part of those days off is having time to actually enjoy being in a place designed to make me feel relaxed and at ease.

Since many people, specifically people whom have just started in their careers, have adapted to this nomadic lifestyle, it is easy to forget to take the time to make your apartment feel like home, so when you are there you feel safe, secure, and relaxed.

Here is a list of 5 easy ways to make your apartment “home”:

1. Light: Lights is a great way to make your place feel more relaxing. From windows, to string lights, the options are endless, so make sure you brighten up your space and you will feel right at home in no time.

2. Photo frames: Photos are always a great way to bring a personal touch to your home. The photos are visually appealing and allow for you to reflect on good times.  Add a couple of cool frames and fun pictures  and you will be all set!

3. A designated spot to eat: Sometimes it is the little things, like sitting at the kitchen table to eat, that makes us feel connected to a location. It usually reminds up to slow down and focus.

4, Fun décor:
Little things like great throw pillows, an awesome couch cover, a few cute canvas prints, is all you need to make a space feel personalized.  Use your apartment to reflect who you are and do that with décor.

5. Netflix
Nothing says relaxing at home like curling up on the couch binge watching your favorite show with some wine and ice cream. So skip out on basic cable and subscribe to Netflix, there will always be something to watch!!

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Coping With The Loss Of An Active Member

Handling the loss of anyone is intolerably difficult and handling the loss of an active member or any member of your chapter past or present is even more difficult. I get chills and goosebumps as I sit here thinking of ways to do this subject justice. First, I need to remember that I am so grateful as my chapter has not experienced the pain and hardship of losing a sister. However, I have seen first hand the suffering (of chapter members, entire Greek communities, and close friends) that death brings upon those left behind. My hope by writing this post is to bring peace to those suffering and to extend my support to anyone who has ever had to endure this type of struggle. 

Greek Life at SVSU Fall 2014
At my university, over the last two years, we've had to cope with the untimely passing of two specific gentlemen, one an alumni of Tau Kappa Epsilon and the other an active member of Phi Kappa Tau. My entire Greek community felt the heartbreak of not only the families of these two individuals but the pure, pit-in-the-stomach, agony the active members and alumni of these chapters were feeling. We, as Greek life, came together to attend memorial ceremonies, Relay for Life remembrance walks, and even attended the funerals of these individuals regardless of if we knew them personally or not. Being Greek is much more than bid day parties, themed mixers, decorated paddles, socials, fundraising events, and philanthropic endeavors. Being Greek means having not just your entire sisterhood or brotherhood to stand by your side in tough times, but an entire community of individuals who share their support with you in good times and bad. 
Kappa Sigma May 2014
One story that I will share comes from the Sigma Zeta chapter of Kappa Sigma at Northwood University in Midland, MI. I have had the pleasure of being very close with these gentlemen over the course of my college career. I've been able to see the their brotherhood blossom from a simple colony to receiving their charter and becoming a thriving part of Greek Life at NU. If there's one common trend I've been able to observe through each brother of this fraternity it's that they truly have a bond with each other, exactly what brotherhood should be. Recently, one of their active members, Austin, was taken from them too soon. Although I had only met Austin once, I knew immediately that he was one of those all around good guys. He was a genuine person with a desire to make others happy. I asked a few of Austin's fraternity brothers what they like most about Austin and how they will remember him. The responses I got filled my heart with bliss. "He always lit up the room and was always smiling! He was always game for anything and he never worried about what the next day might bring, that's what I admire most about him. He could make anyone, and I mean anyone, laugh. Everyone just loved being around him." said Nick Schummer, an alumni member of Kappa Sigma and very close friend of Austin's. "He was always happy and energetic. He was always smiling. He was someone who could make friends with virtually anyone and hold a conversation with them." said Jay Banks, an alumni member of Kappa Sigma and Austin's Big Brother. 

Austin with his big bro, Jay.
For many, losing a friend or a family member is the most difficult part of life. If I had to explain what it's like to lose a member of Greek Life, specifically a member of your chapter, it's like placing one hundred wine glasses on a tablecloth and having the cloth ripped out from underneath without warning. Ultimately, the glass will shatter into tiny pieces but what happens after that is what makes being Greek such an incredible thing. When you're standing in front of this disaster, wondering how you'll manage to pick up each and every piece you see out of the corner of your eye a glimmer of relief. Before you know it you have one, four, twenty, fifty, possibly even hundreds of people each picking up a piece of the broken glass for you. You are reassured that you are not in this alone.

Austin with a couple of fraternity brothers and close friends.
When I asked Kappa Sigma what they did to support one another other than the obvious phone calls, text messages, and other forms of communication, I was humbled by the response I received. I expected nothing less from this chapter of gentlemen. "At his service we did a passing ritual at his grave site. We had about 30 brothers and alumni members present for this service." said John McGrane, the current President of Kappa Sigma - Sigma Zeta. 30 brothers and alumni, traveling from all corners of Michigan and even from out of the state to remember Austin and stand by each other as brothers to grieve the loss of their dear friend and member of their fraternity family. That is extraordinary. Furthermore, Kappa Sigma will hold a balloon launch at Northwood University on September 1st in remembrance of Austin for the entire Greek Community and student body to attend.

I think what truly hits home for me is the fact that very rarely do you find a group of individuals like this who will travel hundreds of miles to give support when support is needed. Something as simple as standing by your fraternity brother, sorority sister, or any member of your Greek community in a time of need is what being Greek is really all about. Being part of Greek Life has given me and thousands of others the extra family we needed to get us not only through college but through life post-grad too.

This happens more often than any of us would like to think about. From car accidents, to disease, to acts of self harm, we lose people who are so very near to us too often. If you're trying to cope with the loss of a member of your Greek community or even a close friend you made in college, know that you are not alone. Remember the incredible times you've had with this person and share those memories with others to keep their spirit alive. If you're Greek, if you're not affiliated with any organization, or if you never went to college but you're still finding yourself in this same boat of trying to cope with the loss of someone close to your heart, this one is for you. From my heart to yours - 

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

How to survive your first chapter meeting

So you've survived the craziness of recruitment, the excitement of bid day, and finally met all your lovely sisters! Now you're probably thinking though what your first chapter will be like and how you should act as a new member. You want to make the best first impression, make new friends, and generally just have a great time. Here's my biggest advice for you new members so you can reach all these goals. 
1. Get familiar with your sorority's rituals, songs, poems, mottos, nick names, and hand signs. 
Whether you passed your sorority's knowledge test with flying colors, are still studying to take it, or are in a local sorority that doesn't have a specific testing procedure at some point you are going to want to know all of your sorority's traditions. Search Pinterest, Sorority Sugar, and various other sorority blogs and learn all that you can! 
2. Listen to the announcements about future events. 
Sorority events are a great way to get involved with the Greek community. Especially being a new member this is the best way to get to know not only girls in your sorority but also members of other sororities and fraternities. Formals, philanthropy events, mixers, and speed dating events can all be a blast if you go into them ready to have a great experience. 
3. Be aware of when you need to pay your sorority dues. 
Whether it is every term, semester, or month make a note somewhere of when you have to pay your dues. Maybe even make a piggy bank like the one above so it becomes a fun occasion. If you need help paying your dues look into how your sorority or university can help you through scholarships or other opportunities. Consider an unhoused local, professional, multicultural, or service sorority as they also normally are less expensive than Panhellenic sororities. 
4. Stay up on your service hours. 
There will be so many opportunities for you to work on your service hours. Listen to your philanthropy chair at chapter, find sisters who you can volunteer with, and look into helping organize events! Philanthropy events are a great way to take on more responsibility in your sorority and give back to your community. 
5. Learn your Greek vocabulary. 
Check out our blog, Sorority Sugar's blog and glossary of terms, Sorority Ever After's Greek term list, and Bows, Pearls, and Sorority Girls to start. Rho Gamma, colony, door stack, creed, lavaliere can all just seem like random words until you realize their meanings and how they apply to you.  
6. Get to know your chapter's exec board. 
Whether you were your class president in high school, anime club co-president, or simply were just very involved in high school you may be interested in an exec position in the future. Get to know the exec board members of your sorority and they can pass on their advice to you. Even if you weren't super involved in high school and want to work on your leadership and teamwork skills now is a great opportunity to step up and represent the place you will be calling home the next four years (or more). 
7. Pick out your badge worthy outfit the day before. 
From my experience in a local sorority we tend to have formal chapters a couple times a term and the rest of our chapters are informal however yours may be different. Your first chapter I would dress on the more formal side. Try something similar to what you wore during rush such as a nice dress, formal top, or a cute skirt. To be prepared lay out your options and pick out an outfit the night before so you're not scrambling to get to your first chapter meeting on time. 
8. Turn your phone off or put it on vibrate. 
We all hate that person in the middle of class whose phone starts blaring some annoying pop song so in the middle of a chapter meeting won't be any different. Don't be that new girl who gets on the bad side of exec board her first chapter meeting. Just turn it on silent, vibrate, or completely off because it can wait. Your exec board deserves your undivided attention and respect. 
9. Sit by a new sister every meeting. 
You may not think the girl with the Lilly planner or the super high voice will become your best friend or even your future big but don't judge based on these quick assessments. Sitting by a new sister every meeting will give you the chance to get to know your sisters no matter your first impression. Whether you become best friends or just passing acquaintances it is good to have these connections for the future. 
10. Have fun! 
Your first chapter meeting can be pretty overwhelming and you'll learn a lot in a very short amount of time. So despite all the stress you may be feeling remember that all the older members were once in your shoes. They are there to help you  and they picked you to be apart of their sisterhood so you're already doing something right. That said you'll be an old pro in no time so just have fun and be yourself. 

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Trend Spotter: Recruitment

Well ladies, the time is upon us. For those of you who are participating in recruitment, welcome to the club. No matter what sorority you find a home in, all of us are glad you are here. There are a few things however that I hope you wil take into consideration.

1// It's not the big show you think it is.

 Yes, we practice for weeks before you arrive and we are very ready to meet you, but you don't have to impress us with your clothing. I have rushed many girls and I have never once noticed what brand they were wearing or the accessories they had. Of course, you want to look professional and cute but don't go all out or suffer all day in an uncomfortable outfit for our benefit. As much as you may think we aren't, we are far more interested in your conversation than your clothes. 

2// Cool it with the makeup. 

Seriously, like seriously. I will take note way more if you come up to me totally "cake faced" as opposed to a natural glow. No matter who you are; I am far more interested in your personality than your ability to look like Snooki. 

3// Don't show off your money.

There is this rumor about sorority girls and maybe it was true in the past, but it's definitely not now, at least not for me. I don't care if you come into our house showing off a Michael Kohrs watch or a Tiffany's necklace or David Yurman ring, there is a major difference between style and showing off, and we don't like showing off. 

4// Prepardness isn't Weakness 

For some reason, girls think that having things like an umbrella looks bad. Why? Like honestly, why? I wish I knew where all these crazy rumors came from! We don't see you preparing for weather as a bad thing and for the record, if you didn't prepare, and you come into our house soaked head to toe, I hope you know we're more concerned about helping you out instead of judging you. Sisters are sisters.

5// Dress cute but be yourself! 

Of course we want to see your style, that's a major part of you! The biggest critic you will have during recruitment is yourself. Don't allow yourself to feel any different. Dress according to guidelines, but make it your own style. I love to see that more than anything! 

At the end of the day, the most important thing to rock is your confidence. We are so very thrilled you have chosen to go through recruitment, and I wish all of you the best of luck! 

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Being Healthy in College

"Heathy" is probably one of the last words I would use to describe myself. I can count the number of times I've been to a gym on one hand and I've been known to eat entire boxes of Ritz crackers in one sitting. I'm lucky - I was blessed with a fast metabolism and have always eaten what I wanted to without worrying about gaining weight. Sure, I have problem areas (looking at you birthing hips), but fixing that was never on my top to-do list.

Fast forward to the beginning of this summer. I noticed I had gained about ten pounds over the course of the year. I didn't think I looked different, so I didn't think much of it. Then, by accident, I came across fitness accounts on Instagram and various fitness subreddits on Reddit. It was incredible; hearing people's fitness journeys and both their struggles and successes proved to me that if they can do it, I can get off my butt and do it too. I downloaded a fitness tracker app for my phone, calculated my daily calorie goal, and started caring about serving sizes and getting my macros (protein, carbs, and fat). I'm a little over a month in of tracking my food and I feel incredible. I have more energy, I'm sleeping better, and I don't get that heavy feeling at the end of the day anymore. My next two goals: getting over my fear of the gym and keeping this up in college.

I have a few strategies I'm hoping will help keep me on track once school starts.

  1. Meal Planning: This is super new for me, so it's going to be a lot of trial and error. I'm going to be living in an apartment for the first time next year, which means cooking and grocery shopping. I'm hoping to keep on track with my diet by planning out meals for the week keeping in mind my macro goals. I want to sit down on Saturday and plan out my weekly meals and then go shopping on Sunday. If I don't have unhealthy food in the kitchen, I won't eat unhealthy food. 
  2. Packing Lunch Instead of Buying It: I think this is going to be a big one for me. Since I'm no longer on a meal plan, either through the university or through my sorority, I'm going to be responsible for every meal. I have a tendency to be lazy, and because of that, I usually find myself in the student center getting something less than healthy for lunch or dinner. Armed with my new monogrammed lunch box, I'm hoping to integrate meal planning into my busy schedule and make sure I have healthy snacks and meals with me even if I can't make it home in time for a meal. 
  3. Having a Gym Buddy: The gym is a really scary place. I never go and when I do it's for a spin class once a year. As intimidating as it is, the way to tone and build muscle is through lifting weights and similar exercises. I have found a gym buddy who lives close by and has promised to keep me accountable by forcing me to go to the gym with him. He also offered to teach me proper form and technique so I can hopefully build confidence through knowledge. If you can't find a gym buddy, I would suggest looking to see if your campus gym or a nearby one offers personal trainers or beginner sessions that focus on teaching technique. 
  4. Committing to a Schedule: Being a full-time student usually means I convince myself I don't have time to go to the gym because I need to be studying or working on a project instead. Since I have my class schedule, I sat down with the previously mentioned gym buddy and figured out a time three times a week to go to the gym together. My school gym also offers classes and has that schedule up already, so I've also made sure to mark when spin class with my favorite instructor is offered so I can do cardio once a week. As a girl who loves schedules, I'm hoping that by committing to a routine it will make going to the gym less of a chore. 
  5. Holding Myself Accountable: I'm lazy and I'm the first to admit that. I'm writing this post mainly as an attempt to hold myself accountable - if I commit to sharing my journey, I'll feel obligated to actually follow through with what I'm saying here. This is also why I have a gym buddy - someone who will remind me why I'm doing this and that I can actually do it. I think that once I start building confidence it will get easier, but until then I still view myself as the girl who never goes to the gym.
This is the first article in what I'm hoping to be a monthly series. I want to be able to share my successes and my failures and really explain my journey in hopes of helping someone else start their own. I'm back down to the same weight as last summer and I'm ready to take the next steps to reaching my goals.

Friday, August 21, 2015

Reflecting About College While Living in the Present

It is that time of year again. There is a slight chill in the air, some leaves may have started to change their color, the sun is setting earlier each day. Change is in the air, and as the clock ticks down to September, you find yourself dreading the thought of "back to school” not because of the assignments, or the classes, or even ALL those meetings, but because you have already graduated.

For many alumni, and I would say especially those whom are Greek, this time of year always makes us reflect on our time at college, and in many ways, makes us yearn for that same carefree life style.

We look back and remember so many wonderful things about college and a part of us wants to go back to that.

To this day, and mind you it has been just about 2 years, I still get a certain feeling of.... well, something I can't exactly put into words, as I watch from the "social media sidelines" as my friends, little, sorority sisters, even my biological sister start a new year in college.
Here is the thing to remember (especially if you just graduated and your exceptionally emotional about not going back), while your will always carry your college years in your heart, you have to believe that college has prepared you for something even better, something real, raw, and personal, something designed just for you, and that is your life.

So as you watch from Facebook as everyone heads back to the safe walls of their universities, remember that your college years were amazing, they already changed you, so now it's time for them to change others, as you go out and change the world!

SGT Founder Brooke posted this the other day, It goes perfectly with this blog.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Five Things You Should Thank Your College Best Friend For

As some of you may know, I am the Greek Life Blogger for Sorority Girl Thoughts. So, you're probably asking yourself, "How does thanking your college best friend play into Greek Life? That doesn't make sense..." and that, my friends, is where I begin my story. Your college best friends, not to be confused with your high school best friends because those people are incredibly important too, but your college best friends have most definitely seen it all. They've been with you through some of your most stressful and most exciting times in your young adult life. They've witnessed you change from a weird little freshman to the confident, leader you are today. My college best friendships all blossomed from being part of Greek Life. If I would have never joined a sorority, specifically my sorority, I would have never become such great friends with these people and my life would be entirely different. Oddly enough, one of the best friends I've ever had is from the same city that I am. We went to rival high schools and never met each other until we were in college, both in the same sorority. More times than not, I forget to thank my college best friends for all they have done for me through good times and bad. Maybe you lived with your college best friend or maybe your college best friend is someone you never thought in a million years you would be friends with. Whatever your case may be, here's a little list of things I feel are very important to thank your college bff for.

Look at the beauty that is my bff and ignore my strange choice of bat necklace accessory. 
1. Thank them for the times they went out of their way just to see you smile. I cannot tell you how important simple acts of kindness are in times of need. If it's stress from finals week, a break up, failing a class, losing a job, or just trying to juggle too much all at once - your college best friend is always there for you because, chances are, they understand your pain. 

2. Thank them for the times they were your biggest fan or biggest support system when you felt like the weight of the world was on your shoulders. You probably didn't even realize that they were giving you the support you needed or maybe you did. Regardless, your college best friend noticed you struggling to do all that you tried (and probably succeeded at) accomplishing. They took the initiative to give you an extra ounce of courage to motivate you just enough to get the job done. 

#TBT to that wonderful time when KTE and TKE were paired for Greek Week 2014

3. Thank them for the nights when you wanted to stay in but they made you go out with them anyway. Honestly, you probably had so much fun you completely forgot about the hours you wanted to spend binge watching netflix with no pants on while eating macaroni and cheese from the pan skinny pop popcorn. Thank your best friend for helping you show the real world that you're one hot piece of sass and a heck of a good time too! 

Spontaneous, unofficial Summer mixer with the gents of Kappa Sigma. (NOTE: everyone is of age)

4. Thank them for knowing your order at Starbs, Chipotle (or Qdoba for the Queso Lovers), Jimmy Johns, all-time favorite snack, or for simply knowing your favorite flavor of Gatorade. The fact that your bestie knows and remembers these specific details about you and can easily save you from mid-day hanger, starvation, or the worst hangover known to mankind, deserves an award all on its own.

Some of the best pledge sisters a girl could ask for.

5. Thank them for sticking by your side. It's not always easy, we all know that. Sometimes you're difficult or moody and sometimes your college bff is too. Friends come and go for one reason or another. Fights happen. Distance happens especially with this thing called "growing up and moving away". But really though, was there a class on that topic because I sure wasn't prepared for it to start happening. Thank your college best friend for always, no matter what, being there for you to give you a laugh, a hug, a snap back to reality (oh, there goes gravity), or whatever you need to get you through the day. At this point in life, real friends are so precious and hard to come by.

My big and I color coordinating per usual.
If your college best friends have all gone their separate ways or if you're still making enough memories to last you a life time, don't forget to take a moment to thank them for all they've done for you. 

What is your favorite memory with your college best friend? Let us know in the comments below!

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

21 Crafts for turning 21

So someone in your family lineage is finally turning 21. What better way to celebrate it then with crafts? Here are 21 crafts in honor of this monumental occasion. 








Bottoms up!