- Study Hours: Yes, it's an extra thing on your schedule that makes it that much more hectic, however use it to your advantage! It's a great time to force yourself to get work done in absolute silence and you have no distractions. [I am currently writing this post during library hours so I'm being productive :P] Don't look at it as a burden but as a tool to help not only the new members but yourself!
- New Member Events: New member events every night may seem like a super amount of time commitment on top of what you already have on your plate i.e. homework, other clubs, favorite shows..etc. However, those events are going to be where you make a ton of your memories. They also serve as a great refresher course for yourself to brush up on your information and re-remind you of certain things about your chapter that you may have forgotten. For instance, refreshing you on information about standards policies, or on who the founders were of your organization!
- Rituals: Rituals are something amazing and sacred to your particular sorority and sharing that with new members should be an honor and exciting since they're not done very often. Make sure to take it all in, and enjoy them because one day once college is over you won't necessarily be doing them anymore.
Of course, every new member process is different depending on sorority and chapter, however make the most of the events that your particular chapter has planned! They won't just be beneficial for your new members but yourself too!