Friday, April 3, 2015

About To Graduate? Here is Something to Consider While Looking For A Job

It is now officially April, and while many students are excitingly waiting for summer break to begin, there are a great many students ready to enter the job force.

With that in mind, it is important to be prepared. I am not just talking about having your resume updated, making a list of potential employers, and doing practice interviews.

While all those things are important, it is more vital to take the time to sit down and take the opportunity to determine what it is you really want to do.

This doesn’t mean that there is where you will start up; many times you have to start somewhere just to get your foot in the door. However, having a plan gives one a sense of purpose.

In addition to having an ultimate dream job in mind, I urge you to take that a step further and find something in your field that you would love to wake up every morning and go to work.

Call me crazy, but I feel that it is basic human right to go to work everyday and enjoy what you do.

Now, I know this may not be a reality for every person; we all make sacrifices for other things that we find as priorities.  I also know that many people would consider my philosophy about the work force naïve, but honestly I don’t care.

I truly believe that we, as “worker bee’s”, are happier working in something we care about.

As a photographer, the term starving artist comes to mind, but I would rather be a starving artist that a miserable anything else.  I realize that you may not, and that is why you need to determine your workforce priorities.

So as graduation (much to your horror) approaches, I urge you to take the time before you start applying to consider your what is important to you, what you want to do, and how to get there.

After all, you are just starting in the work force; do you really want to be anything but happy for the next 40 plus years in the job force?


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