Wednesday, August 26, 2015

How to survive your first chapter meeting

So you've survived the craziness of recruitment, the excitement of bid day, and finally met all your lovely sisters! Now you're probably thinking though what your first chapter will be like and how you should act as a new member. You want to make the best first impression, make new friends, and generally just have a great time. Here's my biggest advice for you new members so you can reach all these goals. 
1. Get familiar with your sorority's rituals, songs, poems, mottos, nick names, and hand signs. 
Whether you passed your sorority's knowledge test with flying colors, are still studying to take it, or are in a local sorority that doesn't have a specific testing procedure at some point you are going to want to know all of your sorority's traditions. Search Pinterest, Sorority Sugar, and various other sorority blogs and learn all that you can! 
2. Listen to the announcements about future events. 
Sorority events are a great way to get involved with the Greek community. Especially being a new member this is the best way to get to know not only girls in your sorority but also members of other sororities and fraternities. Formals, philanthropy events, mixers, and speed dating events can all be a blast if you go into them ready to have a great experience. 
3. Be aware of when you need to pay your sorority dues. 
Whether it is every term, semester, or month make a note somewhere of when you have to pay your dues. Maybe even make a piggy bank like the one above so it becomes a fun occasion. If you need help paying your dues look into how your sorority or university can help you through scholarships or other opportunities. Consider an unhoused local, professional, multicultural, or service sorority as they also normally are less expensive than Panhellenic sororities. 
4. Stay up on your service hours. 
There will be so many opportunities for you to work on your service hours. Listen to your philanthropy chair at chapter, find sisters who you can volunteer with, and look into helping organize events! Philanthropy events are a great way to take on more responsibility in your sorority and give back to your community. 
5. Learn your Greek vocabulary. 
Check out our blog, Sorority Sugar's blog and glossary of terms, Sorority Ever After's Greek term list, and Bows, Pearls, and Sorority Girls to start. Rho Gamma, colony, door stack, creed, lavaliere can all just seem like random words until you realize their meanings and how they apply to you.  
6. Get to know your chapter's exec board. 
Whether you were your class president in high school, anime club co-president, or simply were just very involved in high school you may be interested in an exec position in the future. Get to know the exec board members of your sorority and they can pass on their advice to you. Even if you weren't super involved in high school and want to work on your leadership and teamwork skills now is a great opportunity to step up and represent the place you will be calling home the next four years (or more). 
7. Pick out your badge worthy outfit the day before. 
From my experience in a local sorority we tend to have formal chapters a couple times a term and the rest of our chapters are informal however yours may be different. Your first chapter I would dress on the more formal side. Try something similar to what you wore during rush such as a nice dress, formal top, or a cute skirt. To be prepared lay out your options and pick out an outfit the night before so you're not scrambling to get to your first chapter meeting on time. 
8. Turn your phone off or put it on vibrate. 
We all hate that person in the middle of class whose phone starts blaring some annoying pop song so in the middle of a chapter meeting won't be any different. Don't be that new girl who gets on the bad side of exec board her first chapter meeting. Just turn it on silent, vibrate, or completely off because it can wait. Your exec board deserves your undivided attention and respect. 
9. Sit by a new sister every meeting. 
You may not think the girl with the Lilly planner or the super high voice will become your best friend or even your future big but don't judge based on these quick assessments. Sitting by a new sister every meeting will give you the chance to get to know your sisters no matter your first impression. Whether you become best friends or just passing acquaintances it is good to have these connections for the future. 
10. Have fun! 
Your first chapter meeting can be pretty overwhelming and you'll learn a lot in a very short amount of time. So despite all the stress you may be feeling remember that all the older members were once in your shoes. They are there to help you  and they picked you to be apart of their sisterhood so you're already doing something right. That said you'll be an old pro in no time so just have fun and be yourself. 

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