Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Finding your niche within your chapter

When you first join a sorority it can be overwhelming to say the least. There are so many people to meet and things to do. You start to fall behind in a couple of classes because you're having to much fun. Once the newness wears off and you've made some friends you might start thinking about taking a position or joining a committee. It hard to know what to run or apply for when there's so many options.It might be a good idea to ask your sisters what position they could see you in, how they think your talents could best serve your chapter. 
Sometimes it takes time to find your niche. Maybe instead of taking a position you play intramural s or help make banners for events. The important thing is giving back to your chapter and helping to grow it.
Joining a sorority gives you so many opportunities to grow as an individual. As with anything in life you will get out of the experience what you put in. If you do the bare minimum you'll only get the surface benefits. When you use your talents to better your chapter you find that even the less fun parts of being in a sorority not seem so bad anymore. I know sometimes it seems like all the positions are taken or its to late to join a committee but talk to someone on exec, maybe you can be an assistant or help out with an upcoming event. There is always something to be done! So go out and show your chapter what you shine, and leave the place better than you left it!

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