Thursday, March 19, 2015

When The Going Gets Tough

Something that has been a struggle for me lately is balancing my sorority with my classes. No I'm not failing, my grades aren't suffering terribly, however they're definitely not as high as they have been previous semesters. There is something so unsatisfying about getting B's on literally every, single assignment. It makes me feel for a lack of a better word, mediocre. However, what I know is that there's clearly no one to blame but myself.

I love my sorority so much, and it is the hardest thing to focus on classes when there's so many fun and exciting things going on within my chapter. I have been crafting non-stop; for my two perfect littles, worrying about what I need to get done for events coming up, and trying to focus my attention on running my own blog and writing for you guys on here. 

I always tell people that the name of my major should be changed to the "art of bullshitting" because I would say I definitely would receive a masters in that. What I need to regain is my self-discipline, I need to force myself to go to the gym more, I need to focus more time on school, and be mindful about the time I need to allot to my sorority. But it's not easy, and it is hands-down one of the most difficult things I've ever tried to juggle in my life. 

I need to try to put more effort into my school work because I don't want to settle for B's, I want the feeling of getting an A and knowing I earned it. I currently have a group project coming up for one of my classes and I'm so incredibly nervous for it because I haven't even read the book yet. [English major probs]. On top of that the past week has been so difficult for me with my Math class I'm taking which is supposed to be "so" easy but is definitely not easy for someone like me who is not so great at Math. 

I guess what I'm getting at in this post is that these next few weeks will be interesting to see how everything plays out. I'm learning stuff along the way, and I'm perfectly okay with that I just don't want to see any aspect of my life suffer because of any of the rest of them. With the end of our new member class's process coming up, some projects to accomplish, I'm interested to see how everything pans out. 

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